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tv   ABC News Good Morning America  ABC  October 15, 2012 7:00am-9:00am EDT

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some things will. save up to 15% on an ikea kitchen. good morning, america. this morning, making history at the edge of space. the daredevil challenging the limits of what humans can do. freefalling faster than the speed of sound. millions watching him defy death live. >> and felix is back to earth! a new world record holder. breaking this morning, our brand new abc news/"washington post" poll reveals new strength for mitt romney. is new optimism boosting owe what? the president makes a special delivery and both men hunker down for tuesday's debate. caught on camera. watch this stunning moment as this b.a.s.e. jumper swings over
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the edge of a cliff. it's over 3,000 feet down. wait until you see what happens next. and -- >> wherever i go, there you are. >> brad pitt brings sexy back. one of hollywood's biggest superstars makes history in a breakthrough new role. how he's shaking up one of the classics. and how this has him smelling success. >> inevitable. and good morning, everyone. robin at home recovering from her bone marrow transplant. lara is off. great to have elizabeth vargas here. and a jump into history. look at that. four times higher than a passenger jet flies. he goes straight down. breaks the sound barrier.
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even he didn't know what would happen. once the jump began. >> and set a world record in the process. couldn't you have worked with a h hula hoop for a few years. >> he said you have to go really high up to understand how really small we are. and we'll have the latest on the massive peanut butter recall. it is expanding to include all kinds of peanut products. the growing list includes more than 400 items. it's "melrose" monday. part of the reunion. who doesn't need a little '90s refresh this morning. they're all here together. oprah going to be here as well, also. let's get to the record-shattering leap by felix baumgartner. ryan owens covered it from the launch site in roswell, new
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mexico. good morning, ryan. >> reporter: good morning to you, george. boy, was this something to see or what? think everyone was holder their breath. i'm not much of a numbers guy. 833 miles an hour. that's how fast he was going. some 100 miles an hour faster than he thought he would. more than enough to break the sound barrier, and the record. it took that capsule with the daredevil known as fearless felix aboard 2 1/2 hours to reach the edge of space. dangling from a 55-story balloon, the 43-year-old soared above the new mexico desert, four times higher than most passenger jets fly. on the way up, he hears a single voice. 84-year-old joe kittinger. >> okay, here we go. >> reporter: the only other man who knows what it's like to free fall from high up.
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>> okay, felix, it gets serious. >> reporter: kittenger tells him it's time to open the capsule door. >> there it is. >> reporter: his legs are dangling out. he's slow to respond to commands. >> okay, do you read me, felix? on the communications? >> reporter: finally a thumbs up. he disconnects from the capsule and puts his hands on the railing. >> our guardian angel will take care of you. >> reporter: with that, he dove. first, silence. and then heavy breathing. he's falling so fast he's barely a speck on thisinfrared camera. he's spinning out of control for 35 seconds. then suddenly, a sound. for a terror-inducing 4:30, he
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free falls. his body plummeting to the earth at 833 miles an hour, breaking the sound barrier. something no one has ever done without a jet or a rocket. when you were in that what looked to me like a death spin, you must have been afraid. >> i was. in that situation. it's -- it spins you around. you do not know if you can get out of that spin or not. of course, it's terrifying pip was fighting all the way down. >> reporter: he finally regains control and deploys his parachute. he somehow manages to ld on his feet. >> a new world record holder! >> reporter: mission accomplished. as felix was standing there at the edge of space, he said something. it was difficult to understand because of transmission. here's what he said. here's the quote, i know the whole world is watching. i wish the whole world could see what i see. sometimes you have to go up
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really high to understand how small you are. for the record, i asked, when he was up there, he did not look down. >> no fear of heights, ryan, i'm sure. he did struggle with claustrophobia inside the suit and had to go through counseling and therapy sessions to get through it. he spoke with us shortly after he landed. he talked about that crazy out-of-control spin that began his 24-mile freefall. >> it started really good. my exit was perfect. i did exactly what i was supposed to do. then i was falling over. it looked for a second i'm going tumble two more times and then have it under control. for some reason, that spin became to violent. it was hard to know how to get out of that spin. like swimming without touching the water. every time it turns you around,
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i have to think what to do. i had a lot of pressure in my head. i didn't feel like i'm passing out. i was still feeling okay, think i can still handle this situation. i was fighting all the way down to regain control. i wanted to break the speed of sound. i could feel air was filling up. i had it. it's way more difficult than everything i have done so far. and i think i'm done. [ cheers ] >> you cannot blame him for that. the race for the white house now, "your voice, your vote." a brand new poll shows just how high the stakes will be when the president and mitt romney face off tomorrow in the second debate. jake tapper is here with the latest. the top line has barely budged. mitt romney helped himself in the debate. >> reporter: the phew poll shows the race remains tight. obama is edging romney within
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three percentage points. that's within the margin of error. his supporters are more excited for the first time than obama's. >> hello, hello, everybody. i brought food. >> reporter: the president spent most of the weekend in williamsburg, virginia. preparing for tuesday's high stakes debate. >> how is the debate prep going? >> it's going great. >> reporter: pundits are saying it had better be going great. >> if obama has one more debate as bad as the first one, he's in trouble. >> let him be the senator and accounted he was in 2008 and he'll do beautifully. >> mr. president, you're exciteled to your own airplane and house, but not your own facts. >> reporter: strong enthusiasm is up for romney supporters dramatically. he also now numerically leads the president in strong
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supporter enthusiasenthusiasm. not good firsts for the president. one silver lining for mr. obama, the percentage of registered voters who say the country is on the wrong track is at its lowest level in three years. another new poll has romney up 50% to 48% across ten battleground states. as the nation looks forward to the next debate, "saturday night live" had some fun with the last one with the vice presidential candidates. >> i'm sorry, with all due respect, this is a bunch of malarkey. >> a bunch of malarkey? >> yeah. >> what does that mean? >> uh, it's irish. >> no, no, irish is i come over there and smack that dumb look off your face. >> hey, do i sound like jim lehrer? >> on the lighter side of our poll, we asked voters to look at attributes in a different way.
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who would you rather have as captain of a ship in a storm? obama was up 12 weeks ago, now he's up four. he's now up on who would you like to baby sit your kids? perhaps because his debate performance was so soothing. >> what kind of prep are they doing? >> he needs to be more aggressive. he doesn't want to risk alienating people by seeming too negative and too much on the attack. they're doing intense prep. anita dunn is playing the role of candy crowley. they're preparing lines of attack. >> diane sawyer and i will have live coverage of the second presidential debate tomorrow right here on abc. let's get to josh for the other top stories. the passing of one of the last true moderates in the senate. politicians paying tribute to former senator arlen specter of
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pennsylvania who died yesterday. the republican turned democrat spent 30 years in the senate, helping shape the security through contentious hearings. he never put party or ideology ahead of the people he was to serve. he died of non-hodgkin's lymphoma. he was 82 years old. khalid shaikh mohammed and four other men are set to begin hearings in guantanamo bay today. families of the victims of 9/11 can watch at four military bases. new hope for the brave young girl shot in the head for speaking out against the taliban. the 14-year-old has been sent to england for further treatment. lama hasan has the latest from england. good morning. >> reporter: good morning, josh. the girl who was fighting with her words to take her country back from the fwanl is now here
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in britain to receive emergencn, life-saving medical care. with a full medical team by her side this morning, malala yousafzai was medevaced to england to get the care she desperately needs. over the week end, her doctors said she's showing science of improvement, moving her ands and legs. she's still in critical condition. the brave 14-year-old was directly targeted by the taliban last week who stormed her bus and shot her in the head as she came home from school. her crime? fighting for the rights of all girls to an education. this is what she told "the new york times." >> i want to get my education. and i want to become a doctor. >> reporter: since the take on ma louisiana, the outrage has exploded. with massive show of support and an outpouring of grief with vigils all over pakistan. a nation united in helping this
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young activist who wanted to change the lives of other young girls. she reportedly had offers to go in the u.s., including one from a former congresswoman gabby giffords's doctors. she chose to come to britain because of their ties with pakistan. a flight from tampa to phoenix was diverted after massive crack on the windshield. passengers say, they didn't realize how badly the windshield was damaged until after they had landed. it flew hundreds of miles above earth. the last mile, in way was the toughest for the space shuttle "endeavour." it got to the science center in los angeles 17 hours late. crews had to cut down hundreds of trees and move traffic signals among the 12-mile route. the city will be replanting the
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trees along the route. and flinl, you would think parachuting off a 4,000-foot cliff would be bad enough. look at how he was going to do it. he was going to dismount off this when the high bar snapped. nobody was hurt. it was a close call. not as he intended. he was wearing his parachute and all was eventually well. and felix baumgartner is sitting here saying, really? >> i shot out of an airplane -- a helium balloon. >> try 137,000 feet and then come talk to me. now to the latest on the nationwide salmonella outbreak originally linked to peanut butter. 35 cases in 19 states. now the recall is being expanded. jim avila has the latest. good morning, jim. >> reporter: good morning, elizabeth. this is difficult for parents.
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children and those are compromised immune systems are most vulnerable. the number of products and brands is spreading. the list of contaminated products is ten pages long. with more than 40 may nut products from moon nice ice cream, to peanut butter. the list including raw and roasted peanuts, all traced back to a new mexico factory. >> all the illnesses investigated are linked to the peanut butter products from one plant. >> reporter: it's in new mexico, sunland, inc.sells those. they make them for target, kroger, costco, trader joe's. the products should be discarded right way. this woman told our phoenix
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affiliate she was stricken after eating peanut butter she bought at her local grocery store. >> i had eaten peanut butter three days in a row. i just got so sick. this is a big deal. >> reporter: nearly three dozen people have been sickened in 19 states from coast to coast. this morning, there's concern that with so many products on the list, that number could be growing. now the entire list of products to stay way from is on the fda website. the name to look for is sunland. the challenge is that company makes peanut products used in many brands. >> gnthat's a huge challenge, thank you, jim. for a full list go on yahoo!. now the rescue dog, duke the lee roe. he saved the life of their 9-week-old baby girl.
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dan harris with the story. >> reporter: duke was adopted from a shelter six years ago. a favor he's now repaid in spades. it happened last week when duke jumped on on the bed in the middle of the night, shaking uncontrollably. >> he is insanely obedient. this was extremely bizarre. >> reporter: they knew something wasn't right. they went to check on their 9-week-old baby girl, harper. >> if duke hadn't been so scared, we would have gone to sleep. >> reporter: when they found harper, she wasn't breathing. they are not sure what happened. >> my husband called 911. the balanambulance came because our dukey dog who alerted us. >> reporter: this is not the first time doggie instincts saved lives. remember teddy the poodle? >> he ran over in the teenage male on the couch.
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>> reporter: or buddy who saved his owner from a fire and then from hungry bears. >> he chased off bears for me. >> reporter: now joining the line of hero, the unts stated duke. >> he's the perfect dog. middle east meant to be ours. >> reporter: an adorable poster dog for the cause of pet adoption. save the life of an animal in need, and he or she may some day save yours. for "good morning america," dan harris, abc news, new york. >> aw. >> that is fantastic. >> it's so great. >> duke still has the hum b look. >> he's so cute, george. i want to rub him behind the years. we told you over the weekend, it would be a tough day saturday for a good chunk of the country. reported tornadoes. this picture from marblehead,
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ohio. the storm cruised through. these are the storm reports from over the weekend. all the way up towards the great lakes. here's where the storms light up today. watch this for 70-mile-per-hour winds plus. i would put charlotte and charleston in. they'll both have a shot at storms today. mild right in the middle of the country. we'll talk about the west coast in the next half hour. new rain in the northwest.
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good morning, i am jacqui with an incredible sunrise morning. this is the most beautiful i seen in a long time. temperatures are pleasant as well, 67 degrees at reagan national airport. for today, we're looking for skies with showers and a especiallystorms afternoon, 69-73 degrees shows we willst tomorrow. >> tropical troubles in the atlantic? we'll talk about that in the next half hour. elizabeth? george? josh? >> okay, sam, thanks so much. coming up, a top real estate executive and father of three accused of killing his wife. the chilling evidence found in their home. and oprah opens up in the
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exclusive abc news interview. and it's "melrose" monday right here on "gma." there are a lot of warning lights and sounds vying for your attention. so we invented a warning you can feel. introducing the all-new cadillac xts. available with a patented safety alert seat. when there's danger you might not see, you're warned by a pulse in the seat. it's technology you won't find in a mercedes e-class. the all-new cadillac xts has arrived,
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and it's bringing the future forward. ♪ that's why new dove style + care whipped cream mousse nourishes and conditions to help keep curls well defined and touchably soft. new dove style + care whipped cream mousse. better style through better care. new dove style + care whipped cream mousse. but all you notice is her beautiful, healthy skin. jergens ultra healing moisturizer makes even your driest skin look healthier, instantly. with beautiful skin from jergens, you'll always make an entrance. jergens®. the beautiful difference. and every day since, two years ago, the people of bp made a commitment to the gulf. we've worked hard to keep it. bp has paid over twenty-three billion dollars to help people and businesses who were affected,
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and to cover cleanup costs. today, the beaches and gulf are open for everyone to enjoy -- and many areas are reporting their best tourism seasons in years. we've shared what we've learned with governments and across the industry so we can all produce energy more safely. i want you to know, there's another commitment bp takes just as seriously: our commitment to america. bp supports nearly two-hundred-fifty thousand jobs in communities across the country. we hired three thousand people just last year. bp invests more in america than in any other country. in fact, over the last five years, no other energy company has invested more in the us than bp. we're working to fuel america for generations to come. today, our commitment to the gulf, and to america, has never been stronger. right here at table 19, a secret crush turned out to be a mutual attraction. the westgate cousins went old school to decide who pays the check.
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a local book club raved about the cliffhangers in the new crime novel. and some bff's from college joked about looking up old flames on facebook. all over delicious entrees like new santa cruz steak from our $20 dinner for two. chili's -- more life happens here. but i'm still stubbed up. [ male announcer ] truth is, nyquil doesn't unstuff your nose. what? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus liquid gels speeds relief to your worst cold symptoms plus has a decongestant for your stuffy nose. thanks. that's the cold truth!
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but he's really creating debt. the facts are clear. obama's four deficits are the four largest in us history he's adding almost as much debt
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as all 43 previous presidents -- combined. and over 30 cents of every dollar obama spends is borrowed. much of it from countries like china. he's not just wasting money, he's borrowing it and then wasting it. we can't afford four more years. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i appve this message. >> live, and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. >> good morning and the time as 7:26.clock -- investigate researching for the fire at an overnight mass storage facility. video shows the intense
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flames that burned for more than sudley road. some units were damaged but no was hurt. opening statements will begin of two princerial county police officers. charged in the beating of a university of maryland student. they are accused of beating john mckenna during a basketball celebration in 2010. newschannel it will have more in a couple of minutes. let's get more on the morning commute. getting a little bit busy. ofre getting initial reports plumbing trough approachinge 95 lorton out of woodbridge. i-395 has nothing so dramatic are a number of cars on the shoulder. the maryland ballet is getting fire out of car
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spring near colesville road. a beautiful forecasted to morning. out this the sun is coming up. it is cloudy and that is giving warmer with temperatures 67 degrees at reagan national. for today, we will see showers this morning and early afternoon. 69-73 degrees and a seven-day clear upshows we will tomorrow and be nice for the e week. th at 7:56.l be back
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it's not a journey. every journey ends. but we go on. the world turns and we turn with it. [ laughter ] >> i don't know what he's ruminating about, but i like look at him. >> a little beat poetry right there from brad pitt. he made history with that ad. we'll tell you about it ahead. good morning, everyone. >> i don't think he was finished. think we need to let him finish? >> you want to let him keep going? >> just kidding. >> this is elizabeth vargas. we have an update on robin. she tweeted this weekend. she said she can't wait for her beloved dog, kj, to join her.
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and there's her adopted big brother, rory. they have good custom-made collars there. >> look that. it's tough when you have a bet and you want him home. also ahead this morning, new details of a mother convicted of poisoning her adopted son. did she force him to eat too much salt as way of disciplining him. or did he have a bizarre eating disorder? this morning she speaks out from behind bars in an exclusive interview. the texas court of appeals looking at the case. it's been very controversial. >> it sure has. and from there to britney spears. we're getting an inside look on how she really spends her millions. the jaw-dropping amounts of money that she can spend. believe it or not, it's in places that all of us koond of shop, george. >> not at that scale. >> not at that scale. but the same stores.
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>> i dropped that much at target last week. a different story. switching gears. a chilling story out of california. a top real estate executive was arrested, accused of killing his wife. the police went to the family's multimillion dollar home and found signs of foul play but no signs of a victim. abbie boudreau has the latest. >> reporter: peter chadwick, the husband and father of three is behind bar, awaiting arraignment later today. this morning, he stands accused of killing his wife, qui, but also accused of hiding her body. >> we're searching for her. we believe she was the victim of a homicide. we're searching for her body. >> reporter: officers were called to the couple's home last week in newport beach. on wednesday, a neighbor called plits after seeing the couple's children at a bus stop waiting
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longer than usual for a ride. another person reported hearing screams from the family's home earlier in the week. >> we responded to the home and discovered signs of a struggle and possible foul play. >> reporter: that's when police began a wide search for the 48 yeerl and his wife. seen here in this photo, exclusively obtained by abc news. early thursday morning, a break in the case. san diego police say peter chadwick called them. they found him 100 miles south of his mansion on a freeway near the california-mexico border. police won't say how they think qui was killed or why they believe her husband was responsible. they awristed peter chadwick immediately. abc news was unable to reach him for comment. he's being held on $1.5 million bail. police adopt search for clues to
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he help them find qui chadwick. now to new developments in a bizarre case of a woman convicted of killing her 4-year-old foster son by poisoning him with salt. the story is the focus of today's episode of "katie." paula faris joins us now with the brand new interview with the woman behind bars. it's a story we have been covering on "20/20." >> could a woman with no history of violence, mental health issues, not so much as a traffic ticket, suddenly snap? hannah overton is serving a life sentence for killing her foster son. she's always maintained her innocence. >> i wholeheartedly believe my innocence will be prove and i'll be home. >> reporter: six years ago, hannah and her husband, larry, welcomed foster child andrew into their home.
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for the last five years, hannah has been behind bars after being found guilty of poisoning the 4-year-old child with a high amount of sodium. she continues to fight back from jail and maintain her innocence. did you kill your foster child, a andrew burd? >> no. >> reporter: did you ever think about harming him in any way? >> no. >> reporter: she says andrew seemed to adjust well. but she soon noticed strange behaviors. >> he would try to eat the soap, shampoo, cat food, dog food. >> reporter: it was suggested he may have pica, a bizarre eating disorder. one day after eating soup sprinkled with zatarain's creole seasoning, he stumbled to the floor. >> he said he was cold. i thought he had a stomach
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virus. >> reporter: they rushed him to urgent care. just regards from the place, he stopped breathing. >> she forced him to have 23 tea spoons of hot person and then watching him die in agony for 2 1/2 hours. >> reporter: she was found guilty of capital murder. now her five children are growing up without their mother. >> i didn't say good-bye to the kids in the morning because i thought it was finally going to be over. >> reporter: hannah has spent five years in a maximum security pridsen. she's allowed absolutely no physical contact with her five children. her fate is in the texas court of criminal appeals. they could rule any day. >> joining us now is dan abrams. we have two doctors, one of them a prosecution witness saying they disagree with the jurors in
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this case. jurors themselves say they don't think the mother meant to hurt the little boy. >> we get a lot of cases where jurors say, you don't think we should have convicted. this case is different. there were so many crucial issues that didn't come in front of the jury and issues that did that maybe shouldn't have. you have the court of appeals taking this seriously. they've already once told the lower court, i know you don't want to review this again, but you have to. that's how important this is. the lower court holds a hearing. they basically retry the case. the burden is on the defendant. she has to prove her innocence. the judge says, i don't have quite enough here. think she has a good chance of a new trial or simply getting this overturned. >> at the heart of this appeal, of course, is allegations that the prosecutor in this case withheld crucial every day that showed there wasn't a high level of salt in the little boy's
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stomach. >> again and again in the hearing, the prosecutor said she didn't remember, she didn't remember, she didn't remember what happened in the trial. her co-counsel said she had concerns about some of the action take bin the prosecutor in the case. i think she's got a good shot here. >> the prosecutor refusing all allegations she did anything wrong. we're going watch it closely. a decision expected any day. >> right. >> you can see much more of this story today on "katie." check your local listings for the time. it's time now for the weather and sam champion. hey, sam. >> good morning, elizabeth. we're starting with tropical storm rafael. it makes a drive-by by bermuda, tuesday, wednesday, thursday. this storm had about three to
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four inches of rain in the eastern caribbean. after the three driest months on record into the northwest, one to two inches of rain in a matter of days. seattle, portland, eugene, medford. a little bit more rain there. we'll leave you with the number as well. denver, almost a record. 81. good morning, a mile but cloudy start this morning across area.shington you can see a sliver of the sunshine. hour.rees at this >> all that weather, the mild and pleasant stuff in the middle of the country, the heavy rain in the northwest was brought to you by walmart. >> and all that additional hazing from josh. >> one inch in a matter of day.
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>> it's a lot of rain. >> it's seattle! it's seattle. coming up, boys, how britney spears spends her money. it's her prerogative. halloween's here and we're at walmart with amanda talking about the walmart low price guarantee. that's your receipt from another store? you know it! let's put it to the test. butterfinger! nestle crunch! baby ruth! oh my gosh, i love candy! and if you find a lower advertised price, they'll match it at the register. that means i can buy more! oh my, gosh! that's the walmart low price guarantee! see for yourself! bring in your last receipt and see how much you can save. save more on the candy your family loves with hauntingly low prices on all their nestle favorites. get more halloween for your money, guaranteed. walmart! two. three. my credit card rewards are easy to remember. with the bankamericard cash rewards credit card, i earn 1% cash back everywhere, every time. [ both ] 2% back on groceries. [ all ] 3% on gas!
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no hoops to jump through. i earn more cash back on the things i buy most. [ woman in pet store ] it's as easy as... [ all ] one! -two. -[ all ] three! [ male announcer ] the bankamericard cash rewards credit card. apply online or at a bank of america near you.
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[ male announcer ] the bankamericard cash rewards credit card. living with moderate to semeans living with it could also mean living with joint damage. help relieve the pain and stop the damage with humira, adalimumab. for many adults with moderate to severe ra, humira is clinically proven to help relieve pain and stop joint damage. so you can treat more than just the pain. humira can lower your ability to fight infections, including tuberculosis. serious, sometimes fatal events, such as infections, lymphoma, or other types of cancer, have happened. blood, liver and nervous system problems, serious allergic reactions, and new or worsening heart failure have occurred. before starting humira, your doctor should test you for tb. ask your doctor if you live in or have been to a region where certain fungal infections are common. tell your doctor if you have had tb, hepatitis b, are prone to infections or have symptoms such as fever, fatigue, cough, or sores. you should not start humira if you have any kind of infection. ask your rheumatologist about humira, to help relieve pain and stop further joint damage before they stop you.
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take away his toys and he'll play with a stick. take away their bikes and they'll still find a way to get where they're going. but take you away early childhood education... slash k-12 funding... and cut college aid for middle class families ... they won't go far. yet that's exactly what mitt romney wants to do... pay for a $250,000 tax break for multi-millionaires. if mitt romney wins, the middle class loses. priorities usa action is responsible for the content of this advertising. and we're coming up on 7:44 with an inside look at the mind-boggling budget of britney
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spears. how much she makes and what it takes to keep up with that lifestyle. linsey davis is poring over the spread sheets. >> reporter: oops, she did it again. britney spears is back on the list of hollywood's highest paid females. this time, she's second only to oprah. she's worth an estimated $200 million. ♪ britney spears has been dancing her way to the top of the charts for more than a decade. at just 30 years old, her reign as the queen of pop has been a lucrative one. earlier this month, "forbes" named her the second highest paid woman in hollywood. estimated earnings of $58 million in the past 12 months. >> you can't destroy that song, sweetie. >> reporter: that doesn't include her paycheck as the
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newest judge of "the x factor." how does she spend that money? the fortune has been under a conservatorship after her breakdown four years ago. >> there's a lot of speculation. right now, she seems happy with the way things are working out. the people around her seem happy with it, too. >> reporter: of course, maintaining the lifestyle of a musical superstar is not cheap. want to get her look, it will cost you roughly $2500 in hair and makeup. $4,000 in massages, grooming, and nails. and about $43,000 in clothes. keeping the spears estate running like clock work is also expensive. household expenses, nearly $180,000. and while we'll never fully understand the circus that can be the life of a celeb, in some ways, she's just like the rest
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of us. she regularly goes to stores like target, cvs, t.j. maxx and sears. and she's shopped at gap kid, kids foot locker and toys "r" s us. >> she's not living beyond her means, especially compared to other hollywood stars. >> reporter: rather frugal. she edged out taylor swift by a cool mill. all earnings from may of 2011 and 2012 were because of the world tour. we reached out to the spears da camp. they said hit me baby one here time. no, no, no. >> ding, ding, ding. >> living beyond your means at $73 million a year. coming up, josh has "the
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play of the day." the same one we ask ourselves every day. is it the safest, the most efficient? have we created the kind of vehicle to move not just people... but an industry forward? are we there yet? are we really? [ male announcer ] are we there yet? we are, for now. introducing the all-new seven passenger gl. mercedes-benz. the best or nothing. looks like your bags didn't make it. we'll send them to your hotel. [ sad music playing ] this is fun. [ sad music continues ] [ knock on door ] your bags, sir. thanks. both: finally! one taste, and you'll understand. enjoy delicious dunkin' donuts coffee anytime. best vacation ever! pick some up where you buy groceries. america runs on dunkin'. i don't have time for the flu.
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that's why i'm knocking things off my to-do list. vitamin d, done! hand sanitizer, done! hey, eric! i'm here for my flu shot. sorry, didn't make an appointment. well, you don't need one. whether it's flu shots or prescriptions, we continue to accept express scripts and medco plans. i'm bonnie, and this is my cvs.
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they're whole grain good... and yummy good. real fruit pieces. 12 grams of whole grains and a creamy yogurt flavored coating. quaker yogurt granola bars. treat yourself good.
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and there's juicy chicken hellmann's is the secret to making parmesan crusted chicken so juicy so delicious it's your secret to making dinner disappear hellmann's. bring out the best maybe you're wondering what to believe about mitt romney. well, when it comes to protecting your access to birth control... and the basic women's health care services planned parenthood provides... one thing we must rememember, is this: i'll cut off funding to planned parenenthood. [ female annououncer ] he'll cut it off. cut us off. planned parenthood. we're going to get rid of that. [ female announcer ] women need to know the e real mitt romne. [ obama ] i'm barack obama and i approve this message.
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here's "the play of the day." >> here's the play -- sorry. >> you just saw "the play of the day" right there. >> it was the play of the weekend. felix baumgartner. if you saw it late, in the nick of time, you said, i'm going home and stepped into history. >> can you believe that shot? >> no. it was stunning. there was a re-creation we wanted to show. it's just incredible. it's similarly moving. >> are those legos? >> those are legos. th they had this thing out hours after it happened. it's 1/350 of felix's epic jump, it's tied for first in our hearts. >> it takes real commitment to build the legos.
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>> you know how hard i worked on that? l heater locklear. go nowhere. ingredients, it all starts here. just as it was back 100 years. from the seed to the spoon, simple things go into every flake, every bite, genuine, true. the simple grains cereals from kellogg's. start simple. start right.
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to compete on the global stage. what we need are people prepared for the careers of our new economy. by 2025 we could have 20 million jobs without enough college graduates to fill them. that's why at devry university, we're teaming up with companies like cisco to help make sure everyone's ready with the know how we need for a new tomorrow. [ male announcer ] make sure america's ready. make sure you're ready. at ♪ at here's my morning routwardrobe. cute. then new activia breakfast blend. mmm... a great way to help start the day. and it helps regulate your digestive system.
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new activia breakfast blend. with over 200 varieties, keurig makes brewing a delicious cup of coffee simple. how does it brew such great coffee? well... inside the brewer are these green fields of coffee, and if you travel up this mountain, there's this huge coffee grinder. and then the coffee lands in this cup and water rushes through. actually, i just press this button. brew what you love, simply. keurig. marywe invest in them.umber one in america because but we can do even more. every year marylanders spend five hundred and fifty million dollars at casinos in other states.
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question 7 keeps that maryland money in maryland through expansion of gaming in maryland. will mean hundreds of millions of dollars for our schools. as governor, i can promise you, that money will go to education. that's the law and that's what we'll do. vote for question seven.
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>> live, and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. time is 7:56 on this monday, october 15. a former army ranger convicted killing his roommate at the apartment will be sentenced today. an appeals court threw out his original conviction. the national park service says snow is hampering efforts to to virginia residents --
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residents. they miss their flight and newschannel 8 will have an in- depth report coming up at the top of the hour. let's find out what is happening on the roads. butstarted off quiet let's take a look at 395. as you come toward edsall road, on the rightvity side it will be extremely slow. and overturn plumbing truck and interstate 95 over the occoquan. two lanes get by north out of dale city. car fire activity on the maryland the beltway. >> it is looking pretty good outside at this hour. it is cloudy and a little sliver o getnshine trying t through. mild, 67 degrees of
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reagan national. upperatures will be warming today in the lower 70's. thunderstorms arrive late this morning and continued into the weatherbut much drier into tomorrow and the rest of the week. we will be back at 8:27.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] outside in times square this monday morning. they're having an awful lot of fun. good morning, everyone. robin is home recovering from her bone marrow transplant. lara is off. elizabeth is with thus morning. >> great to be here. and coming up, the circus is taking over times square. they've received more than 200 awards for their stunning tricks. they're going to teach george some of them. >> doesn't mean i'll do it. >> what is that, a leotard and some hot pink shorts. >> wow. and i think all of you know the
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chance of that happening is -- >> slim to none. >> however, it's a lingering visual, george. no need to do this any longer. wrinkle rehab. secrets in turning back the clock. this morning, real housewives jacqueline tells us how she keeps looking younger with no surgery. no surgery. >> all right. also, oprah opening up. it's an abc news exclusive. what she has to say about the project she's most passionate about and why it's brought her so much joy again. very, very proud she is. for very good reason. a lot of new ways to cut calories at the breakfast table. the original hungry girl is with us. right out there in times square. let's get back to josh and the news. we're going to begin. 22 days to go until election day. both candidates are hard at work prepping for tomorrow's debay.
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a new abc news/"washington post" poll gives president obama the lead binary roe margin. both candidates are spending the day getting ready for tomorrow's debate, which you can watch right here on abc at 9:00 eastern. and it's mission accomplished for sky diver -- space diver felix baumgartner. the only man to fly faster than the speed out sound without a plane. he shattered the sound barrier. he hit mach i. he landed safely nine minutes later and dropped to a knee. meanwhile, man more than twice balm grter in's age broke the sound barrier yesterday again. a legend, 89 years young, chuck
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yeager, became the first man to break the speed of sound 65 days ago. he did it yesterday to celebrate the anniversary. that man will always have the right stuff. parents, listen up. a little extra sleep for your kids goes a long way. 27 minutes of additional sleep a night can lead to a more productive day for school-age children. makes them less cranky and less impulsive. you should see what 27 minutes does for sam champion. if you want to impress your boss on the expense report, best not to order this drink. a blend of rare cognac and other liqueurs dating back to the 1700s. the price? a mere $880. >> come on. >> the creator hoping to break a
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guinness world record. my favorite part of the story, guinness is investigating. >> whoa gets to drink it? >> i don't know. we'll whip one up for you at the break. >> it the l take me a week to sip it. >> lara's off. sam, you're back. warming up for "pop news" the news that pop this is morning. how many perfect pumpkin pictures can the paparazzi pick. ladies and gentlemen, jessica alba, hilary duff, and halle berry have been spotted at a round of pumpkin picking. alba and her 4-year-old daughter were face painting. hilary duff brought her 4-month-old son. we don't have the pictures but
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we understand george and family were picking pumpkins out east. >> harper named them all. >> dare we can? >> we have nine of them. >> nine? >> ambitious. >> kristen stewart and robert pattinson are together again, at least on a movie poster. the twitter handle proclaiming to be the official one of taylor lautner tweeted out a sneak peek of a movie pic. for right now, looks like it's all movie business. >> are you saying josh is a twihard. >> josh is always on the twitter. >> no, no, twilight. twi-hard. twitter. whatever. go on. >> sam, you're -- running out.
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>> ladies and gentlemen, you heard it hear first. channc chanel announced brad pitt is the new model for number 5. he's the first ever male to campaign for the best selling fragrance ever. when you're working with one of the hottest stars out there, you don't need too much. black and white. moody light. light on the shoulder. >> i would buy the perfume. >> that's the vote right now. did it work for you? >> i'm not the target audience, i admit. it kind of played like an "snl" parody. >> i'm the argue that audience. i'm wearing chanel all over. >> chanel, you win. you know how sometimes
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people look like their pets? take a look at this. this photographer is famous for making pet portraits combining pets with their poerns one picture should look familiar to you. guess who this might be. if you recognize the suit and the tie, that's charlie, and -- can we do a split screen? you would see? >> he looks a little sad this morning. >> why? >> i don't know. >> he's in the news that pops, george. >> it's because he's in a suit. >> or he's following brad pitt. that, ladies and gentlemen, is the news that pops. >> pop, pop. thank you, sam. let's get the weather now from ginger zee. >> how cool is this? we've got a great crowd. it's as if we're right here in jonesboro, arkansas. may thai brought cotton.
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>> your maim? >> paul spurlock. jonesboro. >> i've been there a lot to storm chase. we were talking tornadoes. let's get to the news you need. a live shot from atlanta, wsb, the ceiling is low. they had rain this morning. now it's lifting. improving weather. for much of the southeast behind the cold front. some rip currents in eastern florida. then you have the warmup out west. l.a., 95 by wednesday. san francisco, 86. a lot of those warmups stick around for a couple of days. because we're in the fall time period. i leave you with a look across the nation. severe storms from philade >> a cloudy start here this morning and the cold front is bringching and trying to us in wet weather.
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most of the rain will come into afternoon with a few thunderstorms. we are at 68 degrees at reagan national and 65 degrees at the dulles. the lowd make it into 70's with showers and today andrms later better weather map -- the rest of the week. >> sam, you have some huge fans out here. they have a 20th anniversary. they're waiting for you. you have to get out here. but for now, the morning mean you. here's what's ahead on "the gma morning menu." oprah speaks out about her most important accomplishment. now turn back the clock without going under the knife. plus, "melrose place"
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reunited. it's coming up in times square. happy anniversary. [ dog 1 ] i am not a vegetarian! yeah, i might have ears like a rabbit... but i want to eat meat! [ male announcer ] iams knows dogs love meat. ...but most dry foods add plant protein, like gluten iams never adds gluten. iams adds 50% more animal protein, [ dog 2 ] look at me! i'm a lean, mean flying machine [ dog 1 ] i am too! woo hoo! [ male announcer ] iams. with 50% more animal protein. [ dog 2 ] i'm an iams dog for life. not a rabbit. woof! that make kids happy. and even fewer that make moms happy too. with wholesome noodles and bite sized chicken, nothing brings you together like chicken noodle soup from campbell's. it's amazing what soup can do. anancr: at jennie-o like chicken noodle soup from campbell's.
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we think some things are worth getting up early for ananclike a better breakfast at jennie-o like chicken noodle soup from campbell's. so on august eighth we woke up a sleepy town to show that eating well can be easy and delicious with jennie-o turkey bacon and sausage cooked thoroughly to 165 definitely very good it's excellent this is delicious makes me want to eat breakfast more it's time for a better breakfast i can't stop eating this make the switch look for jennie-o at a store near you they're whole grain good... and yummy good. real fruit pieces. 12 grams of whole grains and a creamy yogurt flavored coating. quaker yogurt granola bars. treat yourself good. and also to build my career. so i'm not about to always let my frequent bladder urges, or the worry my pipes might leak get in the way of my busy lifestyle. that's why i take care, with vesicare. once-daily vesicare can help control your bladder muscle
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and is proven to treat overactive bladder with symptoms of frequent urges and leaks day and night. if you have certain stomach or glaucoma problems, or trouble emptying your bladder, do not take vesicare. vesicare may cause allergic reactions that may be serious. if you experience swelling of the face, lips, throat or tongue, stop taking vesicare and get emergency help. tell your doctor right away if you have severe abdominal pain, or become constipated for three or more days. vesicare may cause blurred vision, so use caution while driving or doing unsafe tasks. common side effects are dry mouth, constipation, and indigestion. i've worked hard to get to where i am... and i've got better places to go than always going to the bathroom. so take charge of your symptoms by talking to your doctor and go to for a free trial offer.
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we put our name on it. in our jcp shop you'll find well-made clothes that stand on their own and mix with your favorites. ♪ get it on ♪ bang the gong ♪ get it on we're big fans of izod, a classic since 1922. and still every guy's go-to for no-fuss style. jcp and izod make it easy, always at a great deal. ♪
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happy crowd outside. we're back now at the behind the scenes look at oprah winfrey's leadership academy in south africa. she calls it her most important accomplishment. last night on own, oprah opened up about the girls that just became the first graduates. >> you will not only exceed, you will excel. >> reporter: many this two-hour documentary. >> the class of 2011. >> reporter: own viewers get a look inside the oprah winfrey leadership academy for girls. following the girls from admission interviews. >> you really want to come to this school? >> i really really want to. a dozen reallies. >> reporter: to graduation day. >> i was thinking about this day with them walking in triumph
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across this stage in their white dresses. >> reporter: juju and oprah talked about the challenges, the victory. and how oprah stays connected with the girls. >> they call you onmom open remarks that's for real. >> oh, yes. >> reporter: she selected all the girls herself. >> adds a mother, just a person who has been a part of your lives for the past four or five years, i have never been more proud. >> reporter: but there has been controversy, too. in 2007, oprah fired a female dorm adviser who was charged with sexually molesting girls and then flew to south africa to apologi apologize. >> you learn from mistakes. you learn by doing. if i had to do it over again, i probably wouldn't do it this way. >> reporter: some critics question why she's investing in
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south africa. >> i don't look at it as an investment in south africa. it's a gift to the world, whatever the future of the girls is decided, those girls will be sitting at the table. >> next week, she'll be right here as a special cohost, part of team robin. thank you, george. this morning, we have our special report, "wrinkle rehab." we explore the newest aengt aging therapies. the star of "the real housewives of new jersey" is trying a new way to tone and tighten without years young -- surgery. juju chang is here to talk about it. >> we're going turn to jacqueli jacqueline. right smack in the middle of last night's finale. she appeared unflappable. how does she do it? maybe her flawless look has
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something to do with the preez your called all therapy. >> i'm a vegas girl. i'll call your bluff. >> reporter: you know here from "the real housewives of new jersey." >> we never talk about him. >> yes, you do. >> stay out of it. >> reporter: there's so much cat-fighting going on. sit painful at times? >> it is. it's stressful. >> reporter: teresa is now a mortal enemy. >> worry about your own family. >> kiss my [ bleep ]. >> done? >> done. >> reporter: no more reck sill ration? none of the explosive cat fights show on the 42-year-old's face. she looks younger than ever. today, she's fiving up all her
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beauty secrets for the first time. >> reporter: how many procedures have you tried? >> i've done botox, fillers. i did laser because of my sun damage. i loved it. >> reporter: seriously. why? i do think there is something about aging gracefully. >> yeah, not me. no, no. think that when people age gracefully, the people that age gracefully is because they can. for me, if i can fight it, i will. >> reporter: the laits weapon in her fight is a new, noninvasive spin therapy. you will-therapy uses ultrasound to lift, tighten the skin. dr. william song says there is zero downtime. what kind of results you to see? >> a lift, firming of the skin, definition of the law line. reduction of some of the fat under the chin. turn your head this way. >> reporter: it's a two-hour procedure.
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using this wand, it damages the tissue under the skin. your face reacts by producing collagen. >> it's like turning back the clock. >> reporter: did it really make a difference? >> it really did. i can tell a lift here. >> reporter: here is jacqueline before. this is after. you can see her smile lines seem to have diminished. and the jaw line defined. the results were not instant. >> over three to six months, it gets tighter and more toned. >> reporter: it sounds too good to be true. >> it works. >> reporter: you can't stay looking young without a proper beauty regimen. >> the step that a lot of people forget is your sun screen. people think, oh, i just need it in the summertime. no, you need it year roung. you need a sun screen when you step out of your house. >> reporter: the old school
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wisdom and the cutting edge of cosmetic breakthroughs. she feels the therapy was worth the cost of around $3500. >> oh, my gosh. >> she said she went out to dinner with her husband that night. doctors use local anesthesia. some of the side effects include earned theness and numbness. >> you didn't try it? >> i didn't. >> maybe you and i should go together. >> a girl's outing. >> maybe we'll get a 3 for 1 discount, sam. >> let's go. i'm out here with my friends from the first presbyterian christian academy. they have a new way to save on your food budget. the average american eats about 90 pounds of chicken a year. one company heal. s you cut $600 a year on the bill. elisabeth leamy takes us inside.
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>> reporter: this may not look like a meat market. but it is. a drive-through meat market. >> you drive through and drive out. simple. >> i'm picking up 40 pounds of ground beef and 80 pounds of chicken. >> reporter: welcome to zaycon foods. they buy all-natural meats from ranchers and sell them direct to consumers around the country. the beef goes from the farm to a truck to your trunk. >> this product that we gave today is only day old. so, stuff you get in the stores could be between 8 to 15 days old. >> reporter: j.c. conrad is a former grocery store meat department manager. he's feeding thousands of families in 48 states with the help of his brother, mike. >> thank you. >> when this got started, i didn't have a job. i thought of the idea. it came to me. >> he was growing so fast, he
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needed somebody to help him that he could trust. >> reporter: you register online. once enough people have signed up, they schedule an event there. you'll get an e-mail when the company is coming to a parking lot near you. you place your order and pay. >> we moved about 7,500 pounds today. >> reporter: as odd as the concept sounds, the customers keep coming. the events often sell out. why the meat market mania? some come for the natural, hormone-free beef, pork, chicken, and turkey. >> the meat was good, it was fresh. >> reporter: for others, it's about saving money by buying in bulk. the meat comes fresh, not frozen, in 40-pound cases. customers have to divide it up for storage. >> we're getting meat and then splitting it. >> reporter: it takes about two minutes to zip through the line. on this day in florida, more than 100 customers do just that. as if picking up meat in a
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parking lot is as natural as the meat itself. for "good morning america," elisabeth leamy, abc news. >> a lot of savings there. now we're going save calories. >> we always do this. it's breakfast time. you make a quick dash to grab something fast. did you know you could cut the fat and calories in half? >> really? >> lisa, hungry girl. has come up with low-cal, low-fat versions of her dishes. they're all in her new book, "hingery girl to the max." we're going start with an on o y only -- omlette. >> it has about 600 calories and 40 grams of fat. >> how many eggs? >> three. too much butter, too much
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baigen. mine, okay, you make it in a mug in the microwave. you don't need to whip out a skilll l skillet. i used turkey bacon. no skillet. how much do we save? over 400 calories. >> i learned so much from your books. learned so much from them. that's delicious. >> and there's 29 egg mug recipes in that book. >> french toast sticks. >> a small order, 530 calorie. soaked in butter. >> that doesn't look bad. it doesn't have the whipped cream. >> french toast has more fat and calories than pancakes. >> i thaulgt oh, i won't eat the pancakes. i'll eat the french toast. >> these are french toast nuggets. they're made with light hot dog
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buns. how cute are they? try them. >> you soak them in eggs first? >> i do. >> that was a dainty dunk. you didn't get any syrup in there. come on, josh. >> it's so easy to save almost 400 calories. >> that tastes exactly like regular. >> egg beaters. on to frozen coffee drinks. >> thanks goodness. >> a nightmare. 450 calories on average. >> look at it. it just says bad. doesn't have to be that way. i with prove it. this is my swap-puccino. it's lightened up with cocoa powder. >> that tastes like a dessert. >> we save 300 calories.
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this whole glass has 120 calories. >> just a few seconds left. who doesn't want a cinnamon bun? >> 315 calories. got it down to 147. that means, we saved a ton, over 200 calories. >> when we first met, i stole the book from that segment. i use t at the house all the time. to make the hungry girl version of these recipes in your kitchen, go to at where? >> at yahoo!! coming up, the cast of "melrose" place and the premier of taylor swift's new song.
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>> live, and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. two police officers charged with beating a university of student go on trial today. they are accused of falsifying testimony. incident was caught on happened during a basketball victory celebration. newschannel able have much more up in an in-depth report in a few minutes. 30,s we approach it o'clock
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for 495 with a crash cleared. we had delays out of once you get by not to much of it back up. 95/virginia had a truck that rolled over. so it is slow coming up out of dale city. delays begin their reagan national airport. good morning, a couple of sprinkles out there this sneaking into the i-81 corridor. make its way toward morning.e this our temperatures 68 degrees and be in the lower 70's afternoon with showers and thunderstorms. those could be strong tells you weast
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will dry out tomorrow and 70's for wednesday and thursday. e we will
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next monday and tuesday. ♪ we are never ever ever getting back together ♪ >> you will never have more fun in the morning than this. it's a taylor swift exclusive. monday, the live interview. tuesday, the live concert event. taylor swift's taking over morning tv. >> sounds good to me. >> where's the only flaplace th is happening? >> only on "good morning america." this crowd already excited by taylor swift on monday and tuesday. my girls have circled it on the calendar. >> i bet they have. is that a school morning? >> we're going work something
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out. a lot going on. exclusive interview. also this morning, a first listen of a new song from her upcoming album, red. lara off today. great to have elizabeth vargas here. >> and don cheadle is in the movie flight with denzel washington. it's really, really good and really scary, i have to tell you, the first half of it. we're going talk to him. >> and sam, where are you? >> i finally did it. i ran way and joined the circus. it's the dallion acrobatic troupe here. it's the brand new season. this doesn't look good. not even this close does this look like this is going to be a good thing. josh? >> we drew straws today.
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sam's was decidedly small. >> you do that all the time on the weekend, right? >> a sneak peek tomorrow of the holiday collection of two big names. kn nieman marcus and target. a sneak peek tomorrow on "gma." amy robach is back this monday because it's another "melrose monday." it's the nighttime soap opera to watch. we teamed up with "entertainment weekly" to bring the cast again today. amy, you are back. you have special access because of your husband, andrew shue. >> once wasn't enough. we needed to come back and do the next version of the "melrose" reunion. it was so much fun interviewing my husband in his old world. and more importantly, learning
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the secrets behind their favorite moments. the show in his seven seasons, had dramatic soap operas, dramedy plots, some admittedly ridiculous. >> we had so much fun together. i loved it when we buried richard. >> alive. played by patrick muldoon. >> he was alive. alive. the hand came out of the ground. >> i remember shovels. we had the jane, and their special guest star, heather locklear as amanda. >> maybe if you got your m.d. from a real college, instead of off matchbook, you would know what you were talking about. >> do you have a favorite line? >> no, they were all good. it was hard to deliver them. >> like how dare you? >> [ bleep ]. i got many more choice words. all i need is aspirin.
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>> i, for one, am leaving. i loved drunk allison. get your hand off me. >> i don't know why i thought we could have a conversation. you were drunk when you walked in. >> i remember the scene, allison got her eye sight back. everyone was being so nas, she didn't tell anybody. playing blind when i wasn't, that was my favorite storyline. >> take it off now. jane and sney, josie and laura, got the giggles on the set. >> we had the one scene, my grandma called, she's like, what's wrong? something is wrong with grandma? i said, gram's got ammonia, not pneumonia. she goes, sit under the kitchen
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sink? we couldn't stop laughing. we had to have someone come in and be the other person. we couldn't look at each other. >> could not finish the day together. >> does michael know about this? >> reporter: doug savant takes pride in playing a gay character, one of the first on network tv, years before "will & grace." i'm proud to be part of the history of gay characters in network television. he was marginalized. but he existed. he was the only one in network television. it was an important step. we have come a long way for that. >> wait, did you call him tom? >> oh, matt. i was -- tom was -- tom was "desperate housewives." >> reporter: i found it a little different to interview my own husband. if the show was so great and the
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backstage, you know, was just so much fun and everything about it was great, why did you leave acting? >> i wanted to move back east and be a businessman. i just had plan to meet you. i figured if i'm not back east, i'm never going to meet the love of my life, and it happened. >> good answer. nicely done. >> oh, you can see why i married him. he's so sweet. >> what a keeper. >> so smooth. >> he is. he always knows exactly what to say. i hadn't seen that. >> that was fantastic. one more check of the weather from sam. >> good morning, everybody. we're upstairs in times square. downstairs, a lot of folks have dom visit us. we thought we would split time upstairs and downstairs. a group of kids gave me the headband from one of the christian academies downstairs. there you are. hey, let's get to the boards. one or two things going on this
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morning we want to tell you about as we get set for the circus performance. a little mississippi in the south there, oxford. and a little michigan. quick look at what happens on the eastern seaboard. we're going to drag the front out of the way. there will be stronger storms. into the northnorthwest, a dry three months. you're making up for it. a cloudy start this morning out there.ild showers are trying to develop but we will not anything out until later >> we are upstairs getting ready to join the circus, ladies and gentlemen. all this weather was brought to you by edward jones. oh, josh? >> you made some people very
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happy. you sure did. [ cheers and applause ] and perhaps also making these great folks happy, in just a week, taylor swift releasing her new album red. joining us live here in times square for a two-day extravaganza. monday, a one-on-one interview. tuesday, she's back with a special concert. right now, a first listen, exclusive, to her new song. you can get it on itunes tonight. all three songs we previewed previously have gone to number one. here's taylor. >> hey, it's taylor. i cannot believe my phew album is coming out a week from now, "red." i'll be here lye next week both monday and tuesday. for now, an exclusive preview of a new itunes song, it will be up tonight. "state of grace." this is about when you first
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fall in love with someone, the possibilities. thinking about the different ways it could go. it's a big sound. to me, it sounds like the feeling of falling in love in an epic way. i hope you like it. i'll see you here next week. ♪ and i never and i never saw you coming ♪ ♪ and i'll never be the same [ cheers and applause ] >> let's be honest. it's hooky. we're giving away a trip to new york and two vip tickets to her concert next week. go to "good morning america" on
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yahoo!. coming up, one of hollywood's hottest stars. one of my favorite ac
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[ cheers and applause ] don cheadle is soaring into theaters this fall in the riveting new movie called "flight." the story is about an airline
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pilot, played by denzel washington, and his handling of an airplane crash. here to talk about it is don cheadle. good to have you here. this movie has one of the most stunning air disaster sequences i have seen since the movie "castaway." >> i don't think it will be on airplanes. it's something he's pioneered. and has a very -- he's very thoughtful at doing things like this. >> the movie about a pilot. he has a mid-flight emergenency and crash-lands a plane in a field. he saved 100 lives. six people on board are killed. let's look at a clip from the movie right now. you're the lawyer called in to defend the pilot after the
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crash. take a look. >> he specializes in criminal negligence. >> criminal negligence? >> death demands responsibility. six dead on that plane. someone has to pay. >> i flew the plane inverted. that means upside down. you know what that's like? >> i do. i heard the black box recordings last night. >> oh. what do i need to know? >> the ntsb report collects blood and skin samples. an initial report shows you had alcohol in your system. >> it's a stunning premise. this pilot managed to do something that no other pilot could do. he saved 100 lives. but he was drunk and stoned on cocaine. >> i think my last pilot was in a similar condition. >> but yes, does he have to pay. despite being impaired, he was able to do the impossible.
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>> my character would make the argument were he straight, he might not have been as intuitive and able to do what he did. nobody is right down the middle. it's good. that's how people are. >> you said you saw the movie for the first time last night because you don't like to watch your own movies. why? >>ky watch it. i'm sitting there looking at things. i'm very critical. >> you can't enjoy it? >> i'm not objective. i say, why did they cruise that shot. that take? they shouldn't have put that in there at all. i need distance and look it at an audience member. >> this is not the first time you worked with denzel washington. he requested you for this role. >> i think it's because i had secrets on him. he knew he owed me one or i was going the spill. >> you're a busy man. you're going right back to
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"ironman 3." it was on hiatus for awhile because robert downey was injured. is he okay? >> he's back he's back. we're going to finish up and then i go back to house of lies. >> you're such an enormously talented act por. you're wonderful in the movie. coming up. sam runs away and joins the circus. [ male announcer ] president obama says he's creating jobs, but he's really creating debt. the facts are clear. obama's four deficits are the four largest in us history. he's adding almost as much debt as all 43 previous presidents -- combined. and over 30 cents of every dollar obama spends is borrowed. much of it from countries like china. he's not just wasting money, he's borrowing it and then wasting it.
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we can't afford four more years. [ romney ] i'm mitt romney and i approve this message.
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♪ [ cheers and applause ] oh, and now a moment sam has been prepping for, one could argue, his entire life. we're bringing you all under the big top here. it's a fantastic performance. we have the big apple circus here in all its singular glory. the ring master, john kennedy cane. >> in person. nice to see you. thanks for having us. >> welcome to our big top. >> absolutely. >> this is to your 35th -- >> big anniversary season. beopen this saturday. we go to january 13th. we're here for three months. no excuses. this is the year to see the big apple circus. >> and you're going see one of the great troupes we have seen. >> it's the first time in america. direct from china. they speak no english
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whatsoever. we're going give them the signal to start. do you want to see them? >> we do. we do. we're getting sam involved here. >> at some time later. >> america, get ready, because here they are, those trick-riding, daredevils from china, big hound of applause, for the dalian troupe. ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪
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♪ ♪ [ cheers and applause ] ♪ [ cheers and applause ] >> congratulations. that is unbelievable. thank you. >> john kennedy cane.
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sam was having so much fun. let's get sam. >> we have about 30 seconds. >> we were practicing the other way. josh, josh! >> better him than i. he's doing good. >> whoa! >> here we go. ♪ >> thank you. we'll be right back. >> thank you. we'll be right back. we'll be right back.
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chel and sam have a house. now they want a home. a home where everything feels like it's designed just for them. where the styles they love fit into the wallet they have. big or small they want furniture that makes life better. that's why they visit us. we're more than a home improvement store. we're ikea, the life improvement store.
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♪ well, you stuck around all day for it. let's take another look. very quickly, at our own sam champion.
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as he almost drove the poor girl into the curtain. >> wow, that was fast. >> that was rough, sam. that was a rough one. >> you might see the look of terror of the girl's face on the back of the bike. >> a big week this week. valerie bertinelli, tom hanks. thanks for watching. >> live, and in hd, this is an abc 7 news update. good monday morning at 8:56. snow is hampering efforts to man missing inia glacier national park in montana.
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the two men were expected to return to dulles airport on friday but they were reported after they failed to to do with alearn key section of the anacostia walk trouble look-alike. -- walk will look like. that is better in virginia. r crash at occoquan is gone. in 395, the accident at edsall road is gone. it looks slow but further south that has eased out. southbound 29 is extremely busy down through the four corners. earlier beltway problem with a car fire that is now gone. the george washington parkway
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had a broken down vehicle. a cloudy start this morning, few peaks of sunshine here and but our atmosphere is getting moist and a cold front approaching and that means rain fewn the forecast with a get startedng to off to the west. there's a much better chance of rain into the afternoon hours. cloudy skies today and a few d thunderstorms this 69-73 degrees and clear out by late evening and temperatures will be in the 60's tomorrow. >> thank you for watching. we will be back at noon. iv
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